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1   //  jGABL2 - The Java Graph Algorithm Base Library
2   //  Copyright (C) 2000-2006  Alexander Schwartz
3   //
4   //  This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
5   //  modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
6   //  License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
7   //  version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
8   //
9   //  This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
10  //  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
12  //  Lesser General Public License for more details.
14  package net.sf.jgabl2.core.util.check;
17  /**
18   * Traits for checking of invariants and conditions. To be used by non-trivial
19   * data structures and algorithms.
20   *
21   * <p>
22   * <b>Sample: </b>
23   * </p>
24   *
25   * <p>
26   * <pre>
27   *
28   *   public class CheckingStack {
29   *       CheckPolicy  checkPolicy;
30   *       Object[] stack;
31   *       int      last = -1;
32   *
33   *       &lt;b&gt;protected void checkInvariant()
34   *           throws InvariantViolatedException {
35   *
36   *       }&lt;/b&gt;
37   *
38   *       public CheckingStack ( int capacity, CheckPolicy checkPolicy ) {
39   *           this.checkPolicy = checkPolicy;
40   *           stack = new Object[capacity];
41   *
42   *            if (checkPolicy.checkInvariant())
43   *                checkInvariant();
44   *       }
45   *
46   *
47   *       public void pop() {&lt;b&gt;
48   *            if (checkPolicy.checkPostcond() &amp;&amp; isEmpty())
49   *               throw new PrecondFailedException(
50   *                   &quot;!isEmpty()&quot;);&lt;/b&gt;
51   *
52   *           --last;
53   *       }
54   *
55   *       // unchecked version
56   *       public Object _top() {
57   *            return stack[last];
58   *       }
59   *
60   *       public Object top() {
61   *            &lt;b&gt;if (checkPolicy.checkPostcond() &amp;&amp; isEmpty())
62   *               throw new PrecondFailedException(
63   *                   &quot;!isEmpty()&quot;);&lt;/b&gt;
64   *
65   *            return stack[last];
66   *       }
67   *
68   *       public void push ( Object value ) {
69   *           &lt;b&gt;if (checkPolicy.checkPrecond())
70   *            if (!(last &lt; stack.length-1))
71   *            throw new PrecondFailedException(
72   *                  &quot;last &lt; stack.length-1&quot;);
73   *
74   *            if (checkPolicy.checkInvariantPedantic())
75   *                checkInvariant();&lt;/b&gt;
76   *
77   *           stack[++last] = value;
78   *
79   *            &lt;b&gt;if (checkPolicy.checkInvariant())
80   *                checkInvariant();
81   *
82   *            if (checkPolicy.checkPostcond()) {
83   *                if (isEmpty())
84   *                    throw new PostcondFailedException(&quot;!isEmpty()&quot;);
85   *                if (_top() != value) // using uncheck version !
86   *                    throw new PostcondFailedException(
87   *                        &quot;top() == value&quot;);
88   *            }&lt;/b&gt;
89   *
90   *       }
91   *
92   *
93   *
94   *    }
95   *
96   * </pre>
97   * </p>
98   *
99   * @author Alexander Schwartz
100  * @since 0.1.0
101  */
102 public interface CheckPolicy {
103     /**
104      * Answers whether to check a precondition of a method.
105      *
106      * @return <code>true</code> if and only if
107      *   the precondition should be checked.
108      */
109     public boolean checkPrecond();
111     /**
112      * Answers whether to check a postcondition of a method.
113      *
114      * @return <code>true</code> if andd only if
115      *   the postcondition should be checked.
116      */
117     public boolean checkPostcond();
119     /**
120      * Answers whether to check an assumption in a method.
121      *
122      * @return <code>true</code> if and only if
123      *   the assumption should be checked.
124      */
125     public boolean checkAssumption();
127     /**
128      * Answers whether to check of a loop invariant of a method.
129      *
130      * @return <code>true</code> if and only if
131      *   the loop invariant should be checked.
132      */
133     public boolean checkLoopInvariant();
135     /**
136      * Answers whether to perfom an invariant check of a class.
137      * @param invariantType the type of the invariant
138      * @return <code>true</code> if and only if
139      *   the invariant should be checked.
140      */
141     public boolean checkInvariant(InvariantType invariantType);
142 }